Winners for buku Kraf Gula
Thank you to all 28 commentators who submitted by 30th April, 09. And the winner is :
Comment no. 9, 4 and 23 - Whaslinda, Mak Teh & Cekmekzue. Please send me your full name & address for me to post the book, ok. CONGRATULATIONS !
To the rest, thanks for your wishes. If you want to buy the book, it’s RM28.50 until the end of May, 09. After which, the price will be back to RM30. Postage to anywhere in Malaysia (including Sabah & Swak) is RM5.00. So please bank-in a total of RM33.50 into my account. Number at top page.
To those who called regarding May classes, here’s the detail for your easy reference :
CLASS 1 : BASIC CAKE & CUPCAKE DECO (buttercream) 9th May, 17th May – 10.30 am to 3 pm. RM190.00
CLASS 2 : BASIC FONDANT CAKE DECO 10th May – 10.30 am to 3 pm. RM250.00
CLASS 3 : SUGARPASTE – FUN FIGURE MODELLING 11th May – 10.30 am to 3 pm. RM250.00
CLASS 4 : FONDANT CUPCAKE DECO 23rd May – 10.30 am to 1.30 pm. RM180.00
Please email me at to check available seats.
Thank you & have a great week. :)
Salam semua, thank you for your support.. thanks, buku ke-2 insyaallah coming soon.
salam min, sya dah beli bku kraf gula sya begitu seronok membacanye..sya ni x ada bakat tpi bak kata min BAKAT TIDAK HARUS DJADIKAN UKURAN YANG PENTING MINAT DAN SEMANGAT UNTUK MEMPELAJARINYE!!!!dan kini sya mula memahaminye dan sudah mula mempelajarinye…trima ksih muga ada lgi buku2 yg sebegitu..selamat maju jaya..
Salam Min,
everyday I waited for the Mr Postman to push something rectangle thru my letter box and it finally arrived on Mothers’ Day! thank you so much Min. Would be of great use for my future project which I already have in mind. I am interested in attending one of your classes in a very near future, I hope.Once again, congrats Min and thank you for the book. Keep on experimenting and sharing the knowledge.
Kind regards,
Zue @ cekmekzue
Tahniah kak Min!!!!! saya dah beli buku KRAF GULA. baru p collect kat kedai koperasi selepas order minggu lepas. sape tak beli…RUGI oooo…. panduan yg sungguh berguna buat orang yang baru nak belajar macam saya.
salam kak min…walaupun tak menang tapi saya dah dapatkan buku kraf gula kakmin tu sempena birthday saya,,,yeyeyeye…sukeeee nyer….kepada pemenang tahniah…selamat berbaking…hidup baking untuk selamanyaaaa…!!!!
Salam Kak Min,
Linda dh dapat buku tu… Thanks…
salam…tahniah,k.min dpt m’hasilkan kraf gula.
mcm mana nk order kraf gula dr k.min?
tima kasih..
Salam Kak Kam, I have posted your book today ye.
Norrizan, I rasa buku ni belum masuk bookstore la. coming soon, kata publisher. You can order direct from me. Just email me ya. tq.
Dear Min,
Is the book already in the book store?I have to get one ASAP.
Need to start my project now.I think this is the first book in Bahasa Malaysia,so I can share the knowledge with my aunties in Kampong.
Thank you min.
Norrizan ramudin
Dear Min,
Where to buy the book?kraf gula.Can’t wait to see the techniques.congratulations to you.
Thank you
TAHNIAHLAH kpd ketiga orang kawan2 yang bernasib baik terpilih mendapat buku Kraf Gula yang pertama dikeluarkan itu. Tak apalah kami yang kurang sikit bernasib ini akan dapat ;ihat juga dgn membelinya ha ha ha.
Salam Min
awesome! unbelievable! couldn’t believe it that my name is in the list for one of the winners or rather recipients for your first “baby”. It really is a gift to a new chapter in my life and I can’t express enough how grateful, and thankful I am feeling right now. Elated is another word! I’ll keep on the look out at my mail box this next few days. Once again, congrats Min and thank you, merci beaucoup, gracia, from the bottom of my heart. Can’t wait to turn on the fist page of Kraf Gula and it will be something to be treasured and cherished and will sit next to my torn antique looking secondary school recipe book which i treasure the most and still use till today…….
waahhhhh… dapat dapat…
Cantik Menarik Kau mmg da boom le Kak Min…
suka suka… heheh