More Lily flower cake
I’m not exactly sure of the scientific name for this flower.. I know it is a species of the Lily family. Anyway, the customer had chosen this flower and I made the cake to match.
I love the simplicity of this cake.. and the colour. And I’m so pleased to hear that the customer loved it. Selamat Bertunang to the couple.
My PME class will continue this week.. really looking forward to meet all my new friends and hopefully, learn some new techniques in sugarcraft. I’ll be posting the pictures in my Flickr (left sidebar).
To those who are staying outside KL, who wants to join my class, kindly register above. Thank you.
hello min:) i’m new here and will be visiting ur wedsite daily..heheh..
to min…thanks for the permission.
to zaitgha….bolehlah bagi saya no amore-E bake tu. SMS to 0166635660. Thanks for the help.
k min..mmg lawa kaler merahhh…i love redddd….
Hai Kak Ida and Selvi, the pages which used to be on top are all on the right side. The previous theme has some limitations so I’ve chosen this one which is technically better for me. Thank you and so sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi K min,
cantik la kek ni.. kaler merah tu menarik.. hehe..
Hi Min,
I guess you have changed the website design…its really nice..but i’m unable to view the menu’s like: class schedule,class,etc.And when i view your latest post,i have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to view it.I’m not sure izzit because of the new design or because of my Interner Explorer 7.Pls help…
Hi min, Cantek kek itu i have always
admire yr work. Just to let u know yr
new web ni ada susah sikit lah tetapi
cantik but I think yg lama easier..sry
Min jgn marah ya….love you
Zarida, thank you. Ok tepek la gambar kek kita kat kedai tu, tak kisah.. tapi kalau ada order kat KL, boleh la pass sini sikit :).
Utk menjawab pertanyaan mcm mana dpt kaler itew.. ia adalah secara TIDAK SENGAJA. hehehe.. kita campur Red REd + coklat+burgundy+ a little bit pink. Coklat tu pulak kita guna coklat emulco je. Jadi ke maroon tu ? Kira ok la tu ye.
Kak Tun, takde pakai marzipan. Just coklat kek, sapu aprikot glaze je. Besarnye ialah 10 inch, customer dah beli bunga,so saya charge RM180 je.
Thank kayu.
min..cantek bubuh marzipan ke di bawah fondant tu dan juga apricot glaze? guna kek buah ke or kek coklat…besar mana ya min?..berapa harganya?….dah banyak tanya ni maknanya suka la ..
Re : kelmarin min tanya kita guna coklat serbuk apa…kita pun sama cam min juga..
salam hormat
sangat suke ngan color tuh.. cantek bangat..
Kak Min..I luv the color..camna kak min dpt warna tu..amazing!!
fuyooooooooooo min tabik spring cun tu ..hehe tahniah
sorry lupa Zarida…ada lain2 nyer class pun not only Wilton lah….
sorry Min took up so much space ….
just love the color Min, like Aishah, i also wonder cam mana nak dapat color tu?
nak reply kat Zarida,
Amore-E Bake di Seremban 2 ada offer Wilton Course with the same fees charged in KL, if you are interested, i can give you the person in charge phone number so that you can find out the details. I tak der share in this shop he he…
salam Min, tu merah ke maroon Min? cam mana nak dapat color tu?
salam, kak min…
cantik! sangat cantik…
Kak Min. Sukenye kaler kek tu!!!
adoila la kak min… lawo beno kaler merah tu..menarik hati pada mata yg memandangnye… bunye lily tu pon dah mcm real jek…
hi yasmin
Im so impressed withe your cakes….you r so good…
Eiiii Kak Min… mmg geram betul laa tgk akak nye bunga bungaan nih… Kaler fondant tu pn best… mcm mana bleh dpt kaler tu… best2…
Hii…Min..I’m new to this website…and..oh god…I’m so amazed with the contents..and wonder.. why didn’t I come across it before…well..maybe bcoz I didn’t spend much time browsing thru the internet. Tapi frankly speaking, memang mengujakan.
I’ve a cake shop in Seremban tapi I myself tak buat kek yang design pelbagai macam ada kat blog ni. Maybe bcoz people in Seremban not so interested to have that kind of cakes (such as thomas and friends cake). Bagi dia orang..membazir aje untuk bayar kek mahal2…lepas tu potong dan makan….yang paling utamanya..they don’t want to pay high price for a cake….unlike people in KL.
Anyway…like u, I myself still go to baking classes to improve myself…but the sad thing is normally I don’t have the opportunities to practice the skills since like I said before…my customers normally want something cheap..and the cakes such as shown on this blog are not cheap..correct? Nevermind…talking about classes…takde kat Seremban ke? I nak attend juga….especially cupcakes…tapi rasanya kalau ke KL ok juga..
I nak minta permission to paste all the nice cakes shown on this blog dalam album cake shop I sebagai contoh. Biar customers I tengok dan teruja nak order..boleh kan?…ok..see u next time..